Saturday 5 April 2014

Most Important Vocabulary Part 3

Word: Palatable – स्वादिष्ट
Synonyms: Appetising, Tasty, Pleasant
Antonyms: Detesting, Unacceptable
Example: We can add some hot spices to make the curry more palatable.
Word: Pernicious- नुक़सानदेह
Synonyms: Bad, Hurtful
Antonyms: Beneficial, Good
Example: Smoking is pernicious to health.

Word: Pompous-
Synonyms: Majestic, Dignified
Antonyms: Unassuming, Modest
Example:I hate being with pompous families
Word: Prolific- बहुफलदायक
Synonyms: Fertile, Productive
Antonyms: Barren, Sterile
Example: Farmers are now adopting to the prolific harvest.

Word: Radiant – दीप्तिमान
Synonyms: Bright, Glaring
Antonyms: Dull, Dark
Example: The radiant sun.

Word: Radical- मौलिक
Synonyms: Original
Antonyms: Essential, Unimportant
Example: We need a thorough radical changes in our society.

Word: Raise- उठाना
Synonyms: Construct, Promote
Antonyms: Lower, Degrade
Example: Please don’t raise a cloud of dust.

Recline – झुकनाविश्राम करना
Synonyms: Rest, Place
Antonyms: Erect, Raise
Example: Sit on a reclining chair , so that your back will get some relief.

Word: Rectify – सुधारने
Synonyms: Adjust, Correct
Antonyms: Damage, Ruin
Example: You must rectify your errors first. 

Word: Redundant – अनावश्यक
Synonyms: Excessive, Superfluous
Antonyms: Defective, Necessary
Example: She wrote a beautiful paragraph without a redundant word.

Word: Slacken – कम करनामंद करना
Synonyms: Abate, Lessen
Antonyms: Increase , Enlarge
He slackened the tight belt round his waist. 

Word: Sophisticate – मिलावट करना
Synonyms: Damage, Corrupt
Antonyms: Reform, Correct

Word: Sagacious – चतुर
Synonyms: Wise, Shrewd
Antonyms: Stupid, Dull

Word: Tangible- वास्तविकठोस
Synonyms: Solid, Palpable
Antonyms: Spiritual, Incomprehensible

Word: Tantamount – समान
Synonyms: Equivalent, Equal
Antonyms: Unequal, Antonymous

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