Saturday 5 April 2014

Most Important Vocabulary Part 2

Most Important Vocabulary Part - 2

We have selected these words for maximum usefulness. All these have appeared in recent years in different exams. it can be helpful in upcoming exams
Word: Temperate – संयमी
Synonyms : Moderate, Sedate
Antonyms: Immoderate, Rigid
Example: A temperate person controls his senses.
Word: Triumph – विजय
Synonyms Bold, Courageous
Example: Ashish returned home in Triumph after winning the tennis tournament.

Word: Unscrupulous- बेशरमनीतिज्ञानहीन
Synonyms : Dishonest, Unprincipled
Antonyms: Particular, Honest
Example: Unscrupulous politicos are happy to sell their country to gain power.

Word: Utility- उपयोगितालाभ
Synonyms : Advantage, Avail
Antonyms: Uselessness, Futility
Example: A computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users.

Word: Vandalism – क्रूरता
Synonyms : Barbarism, ruin
Antonyms: Prosperity, Integrity

Word: Veracity – सच्चाई
Synonyms : Truth, Credibility
Antonyms: Falsehood, Fiction
Example: Harishchandra is known for his veracity.

Word: Vicious- भ्रष्ट
Synonyms : Corrupt, Base
Antonyms: Pure, Perfect
Example: Veer was a vicious person.

Word: Whirl – चक्कर
Synonyms : Rotate, Spin
Antonyms: Straight
Example: The dancers went round in a whirl of color.

Word: Wrathful – क्रुद्ध
Synonyms : Angry, Enraged
Antonyms: Calm, Pleased

Word: Weary – थका
Synonyms : Tired, Fatigued
Antonyms: Fresh, Renovated
Example: The boy was wearied of pedaling the cycle.
click here to download Vocab part 1

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