Saturday 5 April 2014

Most Important Vocabulary 7

Word : Ablaze - प्रज्वलित
Synonyms : Blazing , Burning , Flaming
Antonyms : Calm , Cool
Example: The whole crop was set ablaze.
Word : Accede – मान लेना
Synonyms : Consent, Assent, , Agree
Antonyms : Refuse,Disagree , Resign
Example: They will lightly accede to his request.

Word : Accomplice – अपराध का साथी
Synonyms : Associate , Confederate
Antonyms : Adversary , enemy
Example: The police arrested him and his accomplice.
Word : Adequate - योग्य
Synonyms : Complete , Enough , Capable
Antonyms : Inadequate, Scant , Insufficient
Example: Rajat is not adequate to the task.
Word : Adolescent – किशोर
Synonyms : Teen-aged, Youthful, Young
Antonyms : Adult, Grown
Example: Adolescent age is a very energetic period of one’s life.
Word : Adulation – चापलूसी
Synonyms : Flattery, Blandishment
Antonyms : Ant- Obloquy
Example: Syeophants are experts in adulation.
Word : Beguile – गुमराह करना
Synonyms : Cheat, Deceive, Mislead
Antonyms : Threat Honestly, Enlighten
Example: Some thugs beguiled him into giving a large sum of money.
Word : Bemoan- शोक करना
Synonyms : Mourn, Grieve, Deplore
Antonyms : Enjoy , Rejoice, Bless
Example: We bemoaned the demise of our uncle.
Word : Chivalrous - शौर्यवान
Synonyms : Bold, Brave, Gallant
Antonyms : Timid , Bashful
Word : Consummate – पूर्ण करना
Synonyms : Arrant, Compete, Perfect, Finish
Antonyms : Imperfect, Incomplete
Example: He consummated his life’s ambition at the age of 30.
Word : Distinct – स्पष्ट
Synonyms : Clear, Differ
Antonyms : Dim, Vague
Example: I have noticed a distinct improvement in her performance.
Word : Dwindle – कम हो चलना
Synonyms : Decrease
Antonyms : Increase , Grove
Word : Eccentric – विलक्षण
Synonyms : Irregular, Abnormal
Antonyms : Regular, Usual
Example: His eccentric behavior puts him down.

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