Saturday 1 March 2014

1.WARREN HASTING(1772-85 A.D.)
Ø  Warren hasting came to India in 1772
Ø  Regulating  Act of 1773 passed  leads to :
·         End of dual govt.
·         Governor of Bengal given the title of Governor General of Bengal.
·         A supreme court Was set up in Calcutta under Headed by E.Impey.
Ø   Pitt’s India Act of 1784
·         Establishment of Six commissionaires for the affairs of India k/as Board of Control.
Ø  Strained Relationship with Chait Singh , Maharaja of Banaras , which leads to his Impeachment.
Ø  Founded Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784 with the help of Sir William jones.
Ø  Codified Hindu & Muslim laws
Ø  In 1776 Manu laws was Translated into English as Code of Gantoo law
Ø  Fatwa-i-Alamgiri was also Translated


Ø  Third Mysore war of 1790-92( b/w Tipu sultan & British )
Ø  Treaty  of Srirangpatnam of 1792 ( b/w Tipu sultan & lord cornawallis )
Ø  Cornawallis code 1793 having several Judicial Reforms in his time/Sepration of Powers.
Ø  Permanent settelment of Bengal in 1793 with Zamidars.
Ø  Police Reforms
Ø  Introduction of Civil Services

3.SIR JOHN SHORE (1793-98)

Ø  Charter Act of 1793
·         Power of Board of Control Concentrated in the Hands of President.
·         Salaries of members of BOC drawn from the Indian Exchequer.

4.LORD WELLESLY (1798-1805)

Ø  Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance system in 1798;first alliance with Nizam of Hyderabad.
Ø  Tipu Sultan of Mysore never agreed to Subsidiary Alliance System.
Ø  Described himself as Bengal Tiger.
Ø  Signed Treaty of Bassien(1802) with the Peshwas.
Ø  Fought Second Anglo-Maratha war.
Ø  In his reign Lord lake captured Delhi & Agra.

Ø  Vellore Mutiny of 1806

Ø  Treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh in 1809.
Ø  Charter Act to 1813 was passed having :
·         This Act abolishes the monopoly of the company in India except in the field of Tea.
·         The Act laid down the undoubted sovereignty of crown over company.
·         Indian Trade was thrown open to all the British merchants.
·         Provision of sum Rs. 1 lakh earmarked annually for education.
Ø  Sent in 1808 mission of Malcom of Persia and that of Elphinstone to Kabul.

7.LORD HASTING (1813-23)

Ø  Third Maratha war in 1817-19 and dissolution of Maratha Confederation.
Ø  Abolished Peshwaship & Creation of Bombay Presidency in 1818 after Third Anglo Maratha war 1818.
Ø  Strife with Pindaris in 1817-1818.
Ø  Signed Treaty of Sanguali after defeating the Gorkha leader Amar Singh
Ø  Introduction of Ryotwari settlement in Madras Presidency by Governor, Thomas Munro (1820).
Ø   Mahalwari (village community) system of land revenue was made in North-West Province by James Thomson.

8.LORD AMHERST (1823-28)

Ø  Received by the Mughal emperor (Akbar II) on terms of equality in 1827.
Ø  Signed Treaty of Yaudaboo in 1826 with lower Burma of pegu by which British merchants were allowed to settle on southern coast of Burma and Rangoon.

Note:- After the Charter Act of 1833 Governor General of Bengal given the Title Governor General of India.So, In this way Title Governor General of Bengal ends and Lord William Bentik was First Governor General of India.



Ø  `Abolition of Sati and other cruel rites in 1829.
Ø  Known as the Benevolent Governor-General
Ø  Suppression of Thugs in 1830.
Ø  Charter Act of 1833 was passed having :
·         The Governor General of Bengal was designated as Governor General of India.
·         William Bentik thus became the first Governor General of India.
·         Abolish the trading activities of Company  it became a purely administrative Body.
Ø  Passed the Resolution of 1835.(Regarding Introducing English  Education in India).
Ø   Brought Educatinal Reforms and Introduced of English as official language.
Ø  Treaty of Prepetual Friendship with Ranjeet Singh.
Ø  Created the Province of Agra in 1834.
Ø  Banned female infanticide.
Ø  The Regulation of 1833 on land revenue settlement by Mertins Bird (called father of land-revenue settlement in the North)

2.LORD METCALFE (1835-36)

Ø  New Press law removing restrictions on the press in India.
Ø  known as Liberation of Press.

3.LORD AUCKLAND (1836-42)
Ø  Tripartite Treaty was signed between the company Ranjit Singh and Shah Shuja by which
·         Ranjit Singh accepted company’s mediation in disputes Amirs (sind).
·         Shah Shuja conceded his sovereign right to the company over Sind on condition of receiving the arrears of the tribute, the amount of which was to be determined by the company.
Ø  Mandavi state was annexed in 1839.

Ø  Annexation of Sindh to British Empire (1843).
5.LORD HARDING I (1844-48)

6.LORD DALHOUSIE (1848-1856)

Ø  Started the Public works Department.
Ø  Annexation of Lower Burma in Pegu in 1852.
Ø  Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse and annexation of Satara in 1848,Jaitpur and Sambhalpur in 1849,Udaipur in 1852,Jhansi in 1853 , Nagpur in 1854 and Awadh in 1856.
Ø   Satara in 1848 was the first state annexed by the policy of Doctrine of Lapse.

Ø  The Charter Act,1853 having :
·         The approval of the crown was made necessary for all appointments of councilors
·         System of competitive exam for Civil service was accepted in principle in 1853
Ø  Railway minute of 1853, First Railway line started connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853.
Ø  Wood’s Educational Dispatch of 1854 (Charles Wood , President of Board of Control).
Ø  Opening of Anglo Vernacular schools and Government Colleges.
Ø  Postal Office Act , 1854;Opening of 400 miles telegraph lines connect Calcutta with Madras and Peshawar.
Ø  He introduced the Postal Stamps.
Ø  Ganga Canal Declared open in 1854
Ø  Many Bridges were constructed and the work on G.T.Road was started.
Ø  He Made Shimla the summer Capital.
Ø  Started Engineering college at Roorkee.
Ø  In his period due to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s efforts remarriage of widow was Legalized by Widow Remarriage Act,1856.
Ø  Annexed Awadh in 1856 on excuse of misgovernment when nawab Wajid Ali Shah refused to abdicate.

1.LORD CANNING (1856-62)

Ø  Establishment of 3 Universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857.
Ø  Revolt of 1857 taken place in his reign.
Ø  Govt. of India ACT , 1858 having :
·         As a Result of Sepoy mutiny , the power to govern was transferred from the East India Co. to the British Crown.
·         The Governor – General was given the title of Viceroy.
·         A post of Secretary of State for India was Created. He was assisted by a 15 member council(Called Indian council)
Ø  Lord canning was the first viceroy of India.
Ø  Withdrew Infamous doctrine of lapse policy.
Ø  White Mutiny by European Troops in 1859.
Ø  Indian Council Act of 1861 was passed
Ø  Indigo Revolt in Bengal in 1858-60.

2.LORD ELGIN (1862-63)

Ø Wahabi Movement.
·        Syed Ahmed of Rai Bareyli was the leader of this Movement
·        This movement Condemned all the innovations and changes in Islam.
·        It was basically a revivalist Movement.


Ø He created the Indian Forest Department.
Ø Bhutan war of 1865.
Ø Setting up of High courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1865.
Ø Opened the Telegraphic Communication in Europe.

4.LORD MAYO (1869-72)

Ø Opening of Rajkot college in Kathaiwar and the Mayo College at Ajmer
Ø In his reign First Statistical survey of India was taken Place.
Ø Establishment of Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce.
Ø Started the process of Financial Decentralization of India.


6.LORD LYTTON (1876-80)

Ø  Passed the Infamous Vernacular Press Act in 1878.
Ø  A famine commission was set up in 1878 headed by Richard Strachey as Famine occurred in 1876-78 affecting Madras,Bombay and other Central India.
Ø  He was also called as Viceroy of Reverse Characteristics.
Ø  Royal Title Act in 1876,Queen Victoria assuming the title of Kaiser-I-Hind
Ø  The Arms Act of 1878.
Ø  Holding of Delhi Durbar in 1877.
Ø  Lowering of the maximum age from 21 yrs. to 19 yrs. for the Civil Services Examination - an attempt to prevent Indians from entering Civil Services.

7.LORD RIPON (1880-84)

Ø  The first Factory Act in 1881 to improve the labour conditions
Ø  Continuation of Financial Decentralization.
Ø  Govt. Resolution on Local self Government in 1882.
Ø  Appointment of Education Commission headed by Sir William Hunter in 1882.
Ø  The Illbert Bill controversy of 1883-84.
Ø  Repeal of the vernacular Press Act in 1891.
Ø  Holding of first decennial & regular censes in 1881 which put the total population at the figure 254 millions.
Ø  Famine Code in 1883.

8.LORD DUFFERIN(1884-88)

Ø  Establishment of the Indian National Congress in 1885 by A.O.Hume
Ø  The first Session of Indian National Congress was held in Bombay on 28 DEC 1985 headed by W.C.Bannerji.
Ø  The Name INC was given by Dadabhai Naroji.

9.LORD LANDSOME (1888-94)

Ø  Second Factory Act of 1891,granted a weekly holiday.
Ø  Indian council Act of 1892 was passed having:
Ø  Setting up of Durand Commission in 1893 to define the  Durand line B/W India and Afganistan ( now B/W Pakistan and Afganistan ).
Ø  passed the Age of Consent Act in 1891 which  forbade marriage of girl below 12.

10.LORD ELGIN II (1894-99)

Ø  British Official assassinated by Chapekar brothers in 1897.
Ø  Lyall Commission was  appointed after Famine of 1896-97.

11.LORD CURZAN (1899-1905)

Ø  Appointment of Police commission in 1902 under Sir Andrew Frazer to review Police Administration.
Ø  Appointment of University Commission in 1902 and passing of Indian Universities Act in 1904.
Ø  Establishment of Department of Commerce and Industry.
Ø  Passed the coinage 7 Paper Currency Act(1899)
Ø  Put India on a gold standard.
Ø  Ancient Monuments Preservation Act in 1904 was passed.
Ø  Partition of Bengal in 1905 into two provinces:1.Bengal(proper)2.East Bengal & Assam.
Ø  Young Husband Mission to Tibet in 1904( for better friendship and Trade )
Ø  Curzan-Kitchiner Controversy (Kitchiner was Commander in chief to British Army)
Ø  Appointed Mac Donell Commission on Famine in 1900.
Ø   Appointed Moncrief Commssion on irrigation in 1902.
Ø  His biography has been written by ronaldshay - The life of Lord Curzon.
Ø  Creation of a new province called the North West Frontier Province.


Ø  Establishment of Muslim league by Aga Khan in 1906.
Ø  Split of Congress in annual session of 1907 in surat chaired by Ras bihari Bose.

Ø  The Indian council Act of 1909  was passed.
·         It was also k/as Morley-Minto Reforms
·         Separate electorate for Muslims was announced
·         Direct election ( non-officials members  are Directly elected)
·         These members can discuss the budget.
Ø  Popularization of Anti-Partition and Swadeshi movement.
Ø  S.P. Sinha was appointed a member of Governor-Generals council.

13.LORD HARDING II (1910-16)

Ø  Annie Besant announced the home Rule Movement.
Ø  A bomb was thrown on his carriage at Chandni Chowk in Delhi in 1912 while he was entering the capital.
Ø  Coronation Durbar of King George V held in Delhi in 1911.
Ø  Creation of Bengal Presidency(like Bombay and madras )
Ø  Partition of Bengal was cancelled (1911)
Ø  Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911.
Ø  Establishment of Hindu Mahasabha in 1915 by Madan mohan Malaviya.
Ø  Gandhiji came back to India from South Africa (1915)


14.LORD CHELMSFORD (1916-21)

Ø  Formation of Home Rule Leagues by Annie Besant and B.G.Tilak in 1916.
Ø  Lucknow pact B/W Congress and Muslim league in 1916 chaired by Ambika Charan Mazumdar.
Ø  Appointment of Saddler commission in 1917 for reforms in Educational policy.
Ø  Foundation of Sabarmati Ashram in 1916 after Gandhi’s Return.
Ø  Launch of Champaran Satyagraha in 1916,Kheda Satya Grah in 1918.
Ø  Satyagrah at Ahmedabad in 1918 by Gandhi ji.
Ø  Foundation of Woman University of Poona in 1916.
Ø  Montague’s August Declaration in 1917.( with view of Responsible Govt. by having more Indian members in Administration.
Ø  Govt. of India Act in 1919 having :
·         also K/as Montage –Chelmford Reforms
·         A bicameral legislature at the centre.
·         Right to vote to women.

Ø  The Rowaltt Act of 1919 leads to Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in 1919.
Ø  Hunter Commission was set up to survey the jallianwala Incidence.
Ø  At Calcutta session in Sep.1920, the congress Launched Non-Cooperation and Defined Swaraj as its ultimate Aim(by Ghandhi ji )
Ø  Khilafat Movement launched by Ali brothers Mohammad Ali & shaukat Ali.
Ø Death of B.G.Tilak(Aug 1,1920)
Ø  Chambers of Princess was established in 1921.
15.LORD READING (1921-26)

Ø  Moplah rebellion in Kerala in 1921 (exten. version of Khilafat movement)
Ø  Communist Party was founded in 1921 by M.N.Roy.
Ø  Chauri Chaura incident on 5 feb 1922 an attack on police station leads to withdrawel of non-coperation movement.
Ø  Vishwabhati University started in 1922.
Ø  Establishment of Swaraj Party by C.R.Das and Moti lal Nehru in 1922.
Ø  Decision to hold simultaneous exams for ICS both in Delhi & London, frm 1923.
Ø  Kakori train robbery of 1925.
Ø   Railway budget was separated from General Budget in 1925. 
Ø  Lee Commission on Public Service in 1924, Report Submitted in 1924.
Ø   Young Hilton Committee on Currency (1926).
Ø  Foundation of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sang (RSS) by K.B. Hedgewar at Nagpur in 1925.

16.LORD IRWIN (1926-31)

Ø  Appointment of Harcourt Butlar Indian states Commission in 1927.
Ø  Visit of simon Commission to India in 1928 and boycott of the commission by Indians.
Ø  Lala Lajpat Rai was died after lathi-charge while protesting against simon Commission.
Ø  All parties conference held at lucknow in 1928 for suggestion for the future Constitution of India, the report of which called as Nehru Report.
Ø  Murder of Saunderss by Bhagat Singh and his comrades in 1928.
Ø  Bomb Blast in Delhi Assembly by Bhagat Singh in 1929.
Ø  Lahore session of 1929 under the presidentship of Jawahar lal Nehru in which a resolution was passed for “Poorna Sawraj “
Ø  Deepaveli Declaration by Lord Irwin in 1929 ( regd. Great Dominions status to India in due course )
Ø  Dandi March on March 12 1930 by Gandhi to launch the civil Disobedience movement.
Ø  Boycott of First Round Table Conference in 1930.
Ø  Gandhi – Irwin Pact in 1931 and suspension of Civil Disobedience movt.
Ø  Matyradom of Jatin Dass after 64 days hunger strike 1929
Ø  Sard Act was passed in 1929 marriges of girl below 14 and boy below 18 was prohibited.


Ø  Second Round Table conference a failure in 1931 leads to reasumption of civil disobedience Movement.
Ø  Announcement of Communal Awards under which separate  communal electorates were set up.
Ø  Fast to Death started by Mahatma Gandhi in Yervada Prison Broken after the Poona Act in 1932.
Ø Third Round Table conference in 1932.
Ø  The Govt. of India Act of 1935
Ø  White Paper on Political Reforms were Published
Ø  Burma and Aden was Separated from British empire & India in 1935.
Ø  Orissa,Bihar and Sind were made new States 1935
Ø  Muslim Conference was founded IN Kashmir(1932) renamed as National Conference in 1938.Imp. Leaders was Sheikh Abdulha and P.N.Bazaz.
Ø  Establishment of All India Kisahan Sabha in 1936 and Congress socialist Party by Acharya Narendra Dev and Jaya Parkash Narayan in 1934.

17.LORD LINLITHGOW (1936-44)

Ø  October offer by him in which he declared the Dominion status as the ultimate goal of British Policy.
Ø  First general election in 1936-37 , congress attained absolute  Majority in six states.
Ø  Resigantion of Congress Ministers after the outbreak of Second World war in 1939.
Ø  S.C.Bose elected as the president of Congress at Fifty-first session of Congress in 1938.
Ø  Resignation of Bose in 1939 and formation of Forward Bloc.
Ø  Lahore Resolution in march 1940 by the muslims demand for separate state for muslims
Ø  August offer in 1940 rearding  promising the expansion of the Executive Council to include more Indians.
Ø  Winston Churchill elected PM of England in 1940.
Ø  Escape of S.C.Bose from India in 1941 and formation of INA.
Ø  Cripps Mission and Cripps Plan to Offer Dominion status to India and setting up a Constitutional Assembly, Rejection by the Congress.
Ø  Passing of the Quit India Resolution by the congress in 1942.
Ø  Outbreak of August Revolution or revolt of 1942 after of National Leaders.

18.LORD WAVELL (1944-47)

Ø  Wavell Plan and Shimla conference. Congress represented by Maulana Azad.
Ø  C.Rajagopalacharya CR formula in 1944
Ø  End of Second world war in 1945
Ø  Royal India Navy Mutiny in 1946
Ø  Propsal of cabinate mission Plan in 1946
Ø  Interim Govt. was formed (sep-2-1946)
Ø  The First meeting of Constitution Assembly held on dec-9-1946
Ø  Observation of Direct Action day in Aug 16 1948 by Muslim League.
Ø  Announcement of End of British Rule in India by CLEMENT ATLEE (PM of England) on 20-frb-1947.

19.LORD MOUNTBATTEN ( Mar-1947 TO Aug-1948 )

Ø  He was last Governor General of India
Ø  Indian Independence Act Passed Act Passed on 04-jul-1947 by which India became Independent on 15-Aug-1947.
Ø  He retired in june 1948 and was succeeded by C.Rajagopalachayra  (First Governor General of Free India )

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