Thursday 18 July 2013

Latest GS

Q1. What is the motto of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) ?
Ans. Ekta Aur Anushasan
Q2. Nifty is the main share index of which stock exchange ?
Ans. NSE
Q3. Which planet is nearest to Sun?
Ans. Mercury
Q4. According to Mahabahrat, who wasAbhimanyu's mother ?
Ans. Subhadra
Q5. What is the boundary line demarcating India and Pakistan known as?
Ans. Radcliffe Line
Q6. The name of which Indian classicaldance style, originated in north India, literally means 'Story Teller' ?
Ans. Kathak
Q7. Jama Masjid at Delhi, the largest inIndia, was built by which Mughal emperor ?
Ans. Shahjahan
Q8. Which renowned vocalist was awarded Bharat Ratna in 2008 ?
Ans. Pt. Bhimsen Joshi
Q9. The Althing, the oldest functioning legislative assembly inworld, is the parliament of which country ?
Ans. Iceland
Q10. To measure hardness of minerals, which scale is used ?
Ans. Mohs

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