Thursday 18 July 2013
1. FM –> Frequency Modulation
2. SIM –> Subscriber Identity
3. RIM –> Removable Identity Module
4. GSM –> Global System For Mobile
5. LAN –> Local Area Network
6. WAN –> Wide Area Network
7. RTE –> Rich Text Format
8. MAN –> Metropolitan Area Network
9. URL –> Uniform Resource Locator
10. ISP –>I nter Net Service Provide
11. @ –> At The Rate Of
12. DVD –> Digital Versatile Disk
13. CD –> Compact Disk
14. EDGE –> Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution
15. GPRS –> General Packet Radio Service
16. FDM –> Frequency Division Multiplexing
17. SDR –> Software Defined Radio
18. ATM –> Asynchronous Transfer Mode
19. DCA –> Dynamic Channel Allocation
20. FCA –> Fixed Channel Allocation
21. AMPS –> Advance Mobile Phone System
22. IMTS –> Improved Mobile Telephone System
23. CDMA –> Code Division Multiple Access
24. MTSO –> Mobile Telephone Switching Office
25. HTTP –> Hypertext Transfer Protocol
26. FIDI –> Fiber Distributed Data Interface
27. ISDN –> Integrated Services Digital Network
28. PSTN –> Public Switched Telephone Network
29. CSMA –> Carrier Sense Multiple Access
30. RADAR –> Radio Detection AndRanging
31. SONET –> Synchronous Optical Fiber Network
32. DAMPS –> Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System
33. WWW –> World Wide Web
34. IP –> Internet Protocol
35. TCP –> Transmission Control Protocol
36. HTML –> HyperText Markup Language
37. USB –> Universal Serial Bus
38. PAN -> Personal Area Network
39. TDM -> Time Division Multiplexing.
40. SIM -> Subscriber Identity Module

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